Goodhue City Council Public Hearing Meeting - March 27, 2024


Goodhue City Council Public Hearing Meeting Minutes

5:00 pm, March 27, 2024

In-Person Meeting, First Floor Conference Room, City Hall


Council Members Present: Mayor Ellen Anderson-Buck, Patrice O’Reilly, Joe Benda, Jason Thuman, Chris Schmit

Council Members Absent: None

Guests: Cailin Richard, Jason Mandelkow, Reese Sudtelgte, Glenn Gustafson


Call to Order

5:00 pm

Adoption of Agenda

With a motion from Thuman and a second from Schmit (5-0-0), Council unanimously adopted the agenda as stated and opened the public hearing.

Sanitary Sewer Facilities Plan Presentation

City Engineer Sudtelgte and Project Manager Gustafson presented the Facilities Plan and Wastewater Improvement Plan for the North Zumbro Sanitary Sewer District. Engineer Sudtelgte provided an overview of the presentation. Engineer Sudtelgte presented background information on the project, sharing a history of the existing sanitary sewer plant, the current state of the existing plant and how the existing plant’s condition is impacting community growth. Sudtelgte shared that the City has been issued a new NPDES permit that allows for higher nitrogen limits. Engineer Sudtelgte presented all of the possible sanitary sewer treatment alternatives including upgrading the existing facility, building a new facility for Goodhue and building a regional treatment facility. Sudtelgte shared the feasibility and cost projections for upgrading the existing facility and constructing a facility for Goodhue. Sudtelgte recommended creating a regional treatment facility with the surrounding communities of Pine Island, including the Prairie Island Indian Community, Zumbrota and Wanamingo. Sudtelgte provided additional information on the importance of bonding dollars, the process of creating the sanitary district and the existing joint powers agreement. Engineer Sudtelgte presented information on the proposed treatment facility, sharing the proposed location of the central treatment facility, how Goodhue would be connected to the facility and what new equipment would be constructed in Goodhue. Sudtelgte shared that the Sanitary District would own and operate a lift station in town, Goodhue would operate a collection station and the current plant would be decommissioned. There was discussion amongst Council and the presenters on funding, with Project Manager Gustafson sharing additional funding opportunities including the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Point Source Implementation Grant and federal earmark funding. There was additional discussion on potential routes for the line to the new treatment facility. Gustafson shared that the purchase agreement was moving forward for the future site of the main treatment facility. Engineer Sudtelgte presented the estimated project costs, sharing the cost for design and construction of the treatment facility would be $111,3000,000, with Goodhue’s share totalling $8,321,600 or 7.5% of the entire project cost. Sudtelgte shared that Goodhue’s cost would be reduced to $4,248,000 with an additional state bonding award. Sudtelgte discussed the probability of receiving bonding dollars and discussed other funding opportunities to reduce the cost further. Engineer Sudtelgte presented information on sewer charges for customers, sharing the current average user cost was $42/month, but would rise to $82/month after the completion of the project. Sudtelgte shared that the monthly costs would go down with additional development in the City, growth of the sanitary sewer user base and awarding of additional funds to the project. Sudtelgte shared additional information on the ongoing maintenance costs for the new systems and facilities. Engineer Sudtelgte presented the project schedule, starting with the idea conception in 2020 through operation of the new treatment facility in 2028. Sudtelgte shared the current stage the project was in, which includes having the plans approved by all participating Cities and submitting the plans to the MPCA for review. Once the plans are approved by the MPCA, Sudtelgte shared the team will begin designing the facility including exact flows and treatment mechanisms. Sudtelgte shared there were a few extra years factored into the project timeline for flexibility. There was discussion amongst Council and the presenters on how businesses and large-scale manufacturers impact project costs and the sewer charges for residential customers. No members of the public addressed Council as part of the public hearing. With a motion from O’Reilly and a second from Schmit (5-0-0), Council unanimously closed the public hearing.

Adoption of Resolution

Engineer Sudtelgte presented Resolution 24-06 for approval, recommending the City of Goodhue pursue the development of a sanitary district by adopting the Facilities Plan and Wastewater Improvement Plan. With a motion from Schmit and a second from Benda (5-0-0), Council unanimously adopted Resolution 24-6 Adopting the Facilities Plan and Wastewater Improvement Plan for the North Zumbro Sanitary Sewer District.


Motion to adjourn was made at 5:30 pm by O’Reilly and seconded by Schmit (5-0-0).


Respectfully submitted,

Cailin Richard, EDA Coordinator