Goodhue City Council Meeting - March 27, 2024


Goodhue City Council Meeting Minutes

5:30 pm, March 27, 2024

In-Person Meeting, First Floor Conference Room, City Hall


Council Members Present: Mayor Ellen Anderson-Buck, Patrice O’Reilly, Joe Benda, Jason Thuman, Chris Schmit

Council Members Absent: None

Guests: Cailin Richard, Jason Mandelkow, Reese Sudtelgte, Glenn Gustafson


Call to Order

5:37 pm

Adoption of Agenda

Unanimous adoption of agenda with a motion from O’Reilly and a second from Schmit (5-0-0) with two amendments to the agenda, removing New Business item 6(a) Interim Clerk/Lori Luhman and creating New Business item 6(c) Adopt Resolution 24-5.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

With a motion from Schmit and a second from Benda (5-0-0), Council unanimously approved the Goodhue City Council Work Meeting Minutes from January 10, 2024, Goodhue City Council Work Meeting Minutes from February 7, 2024 and Goodhue City Council Meeting Minutes from February 28, 2024.

Old Business

There were no Old Business items presented for discussion.

New Business Items

Mayor Anderson-Buck presented a meeting time amendment to Council for consideration, sharing the Council meeting start time was moved to 5:00 pm for the duration of lent and could now revert back to the originally scheduled meeting time of 6:00 pm. With a motion from Thuman and a second from Schmit (5-0-0), Council unanimously voted to move the City Council workshop and regular meeting start times to 6:00 pm.

With a motion from Schmit and a second from O’Reilly (5-0-0), Council unanimously adopted Resolution 24-5 Approving the Issuance of, and Providing the Form, Terms, and Covenants for the Issuance of its Tax Increment Revenue Note, Series 2024, in an Aggregate Principal Amount not to Exceed $742,000. There was no additional discussion.

Other Items

There were no Other items presented for discussion.

Approval of Bills

There was discussion amongst Council on tractor rental costs, public safety fund distribution, reimbursement from former employee on insurance costs, annual well house renewal, nitrate clinic grant, election judge reimbursements and the new tractor payment schedule. With a motion from Schmit and a second from Thuman (5-0-0), Council unanimously voted to pay the bills as stated.


Motion to adjourn was made at 5:48 pm by Thuman and seconded by Schmit (5-0-0).


Respectfully submitted,

Cailin Richard, EDA Coordinator