Bellechester City Council Meeting - August 21, 2024


Bellechester City Council Meeting Minutes

August 21, 2024 @ 6:00 PM

Meeting is recorded, and the recordings belong to the City of Bellechester.

Pledge to the flag.

Roll call was taken: The council in attendance: Mayor Jody Gordon, Council people Mark Gerken, Jered Buxengard, and Rich Majerus as well as City Clerk Lisa Redepenning, Treasurer Kyle McKeown and City Engineer Matt Mohs. Councilmember Kyle Blattner was absent. Also present was Deputy Huneke from Goodhue County Sheriff Department, Betty and Tim Huneke and Nick Huneke.

Minutes of July 17, 2024 regular meeting minutes were reviewed and motion was made by Jered Buxengard with a second by Mark Gerken to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Bills were reviewed with MMS additional payment not submitted to be mailed and a motion by Mark Gerken with a second by Rich Majerus to approve and pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Old Business:

• Sewer Lining Project - Update progress – Due to the schedule, there has been no work done by VisuSewer. Musel Brothers are doing the lateral lining work. They found some issues internally that they are working through with Bolten Menk. They are setting a meeting next week to go thru the lining issues. Angles in the piping is causing some issues. We do have a contingency plan to cover extra work that may be necessary.

• Water Meter Project - Update progress – Had preconstruction meeting and vendor is waiting for the meters to arrive and phone calls with be made by them for contacting and installation. Letters went out to inform residents. Anticipated project end is December.

• 2025 Preliminary Budget – review – Tabled until September.

• Junk Ordinance & Pool Requirements Review - review/discuss – Homeowners insurance proof, fence and locked. Pools need permits. Junk ordinance will be re done over the winter and put in place before next summer.

• Ideas for possible excess sewer grant fund expenditures – we have a list, but needs a timeline for purchase. We will be using COVID money on well house needs. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to approve the poly in both well houses. Motion carried.

New business:

• Tim and Betty Huneke – Complaint – addressed in above discussion.

• Goodhue County Police Contract – Goodhue County Commissioners will be taking another look at the numbers. Sheriff Huneke spoke about how the rates have been determined. Decision will be tabled until September.

• Building Permit – Nick Huneke – Nick presented plans for a 2 car garage. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Mark Gerken to approve the plans as presented. Motion carried.

• Building Permit – Jesse Fox – Garage. Plans were distributed on the garage plans. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to approve the permit as presented. Motion carried.

• Church Building Permit – Shingling. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Mark Gerken to approve the building permit as presented. Motion carried.

• Kyle McKeown Permit – reroofing. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to approve permit. Motion carried.

Engineer Report – Lead service line inventory records we have are solid in town. Bolten & Menk will send the data to the Department of Health regarding the inventory that was done. Property owners will be contacted based on what lines were found on their property.

Clerk Report – LGA – our amount for 2025 is set at $30,598 and we are getting another Small Cities Assist money in the amount of $12,041. Police Rates - 2025: $87.70 per hour, 2026: $90.63 per hour, 2027: $93.68 per hour. Pool ordinances – Lake City only has fencing requirements. State Building Code states that a building permit is required for all pools. Confirmed by the County: Per the Minnesota State Building Code, Above-Ground pools that exceed 5,000 gallons and has a depth capacity of 2-feet or more require a building permit.

Treasurer Report – Shut off notices were sent.

Water/Wastewater/Facility Report – Working finding all the water shutoffs. Some found were bent. There have been some well issues that is getting addressed.

Mayor Concerns: None

Council Concerns: Security signs are needed for can collection as well as fencing by brush pile.


Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a second by Jered Buxengard to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:21. Motion carried.

Submitted by Lisa Redepenning – City Clerk