Goodhue City Council Meeting - October 26, 2022


City of Goodhue City Council Meeting Minutes Oct. 26, 2022

Present were Mayor Bien, Council persons O’Reilly, Thuman, Hahn and Brunkhorst. Also present were Jason Mandelkow, Chris Schmit, Pete Grimsrud, Trevor Stenlund, Tony Brecht, Joe Benda, and Cailin Richard. Zoom Attorney Robert Vose.

Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by O’Reilly to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Hahn and seconded by O’Reilly to approve the Oct. 12, 2022, city minutes. Motion carried 5-0.

Old Business-

Motion by Hah and seconded by Brunkhorst to approve Hernandez building permit for a new garage. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by Thuman to table the Water Tower mixer purchase at this time. Motion carried 5-0.

New Business-

Engineer update 4th Street and Broadway Street Improvements are on track have Bituminous pavement and concrete flatwork later this week. The Sanitary District meeting review-Lobbying proposals were discussed and the costs for each city’s payments. More information will be coning at the November meeting.

Motion by Hahn and seconded by O’Reilly to approve the German Christmas Market for Dec. 3, 2022. Closing 2nd St from 3rd Ave to 2nd Ave temporarily. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Hahn and seconded Thuman to approve a temporary Liquor license for the Jaycees on Dec. 3 for the German Christmas Market. Motion carried 5-0.

Council agrees to table the purchase of additional microphones for the council room currently. Motion carried 5-0.

Council discussion on filling the treasure position. Job has been posted and will open until filled. Motion by Hahn and seconded by Thuman to approve the winter snowplow quotes to Thomforde Enterprises and Lodermeier’s for the 2022-2023 season. Motion carried 5-0.

Public Works update-Some hydrants were flushed as scheduled, the booster pump for the chlorine needs to be repaired. The rest of the hydrants were flushed later in the week. Pool bathrooms are closed for the winter months. Xcel Energy has been contacted on the sidewalks that need to be repaired during their pole project.

Police Dept. Update-

Two interviews have been conducted, and one more is being scheduled. Canceling of the Nov. 23 and Dec. 28 city council meetings was agreed upon. 5-0.

Motion by O’Reilly and seconded by Brunkhorst to approve the bills. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Thuman and seconded by O’Reilly to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted Jill Buxengard- City Clerk