Goodhue City Council Meeting - August 10, 2022


City of Goodhue
City Council Meeting Minutes
Aug. 10, 2022

Present were Mayor Bien, Council persons Hahn, O’Reilly and Thuman, Brunkhorst via zoom. Also present were Officer Brecht, Mary Ramboldt, Dave Kyllo, Jason Mandelkow, and Dick Gorman. 

Motion by Thuman and seconded by Hahn to approve the agenda.  Motion carried

Motion by Hahn and seconded O’Reilly to approve the July 27, 2022, city council minutes.Motion carried

Old Business- Water Tower rental space for antenna use. Council agreed to have Chris Heath have direct contact with Verizon to ensure service will not be interrupted.

Engineer Report- Street projects Broadway and 4th Street update and project is moving forward.

Motion by Brunkhorst and second by O’Reilly for a building permit for an addition to Seed Plus. Motion carried.

Dave Kyllo addressed the city council with a concern of his water shut off location.  Council agreed to be in contact with the city engineer for further information.

Northland Security is working with the city on the Bond that will be needed for the Broadway and 4th St. project. Council will invite them to attend the next council meeting.

Fence Ordinance- Will be updated to state: All fence construction will be approved at a city council meeting. You will need to have the building permit application and drawing approved. You will need to know your property lines and setbacks and have them written on your drawings before the project will be approved. This may need a survey done prior to the beginning your project. After city approval the application with be sent to Goodhue County for final approval. Motion made by Hahn and second by O’Reilly. Motion carried.

Approval by Thuman and second by Hahn to hire Virginia Budensiek as the cleaning person for city hall. Motion carried.

Notice of the General Election: Nov. 8, 2022, 7 am-8pm at the Lions Building. 1 Mayor seat and 2 council seats are up for candidacy.

Public works update- Street projects are on track to start in the coming weeks. Rosie Park is needing a new picnic table that is broken.

City Council Declared an Emergency for Manor Ave. The street is in very poor driving condition. The city is taking actions to move forward with getting Manor Ave. to a drivable condition for emergency vehicles as well as all citizens. Motion by O’Reilly and seconded by Hahn to approve the work and to bill Countryside Manor owners of the cost of short-term repair. Motion carried.

Public Concerns- City Attorney Dick Gorman has stepped down from his position from the city. We thank Dick Gorman for his more than 33 years of service to the City of Goodhue. He will greatly be missed.

Motion made by Thuman and second by Hahn to pay the bills. Motion carried.

Motion by Hahn and second by Thuman to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted             
Jill Buxengard- City Clerk