Goodhue City Council Meeting - April 24, 2024


Goodhue City Council Meeting Minutes

6:00 pm, April 24, 2024

City Hall


Council Members Present: Mayor Ellen Anderson Buck, Patrice O’Reilly, Joe Benda, Jason Thuman, Chris Schmit

Council Members Absent: None

Guests: Cailin Richard, Lori Luhman, Jason Mandelkow, McCrae Olson, Marc Huneke, Brittany Huneke, City Attorney Robert Vose


Call to Order

Call to order at 6:00 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda

Unanimous adoption of the agenda with a motion from Thuman and a second from Schmit (5-0-0) with one amendment to the agenda to change the work meeting minutes date from April 10 to March 13, 2024. All April minutes will be presented for approval in May.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Council Member Schmit confirmed that the Extra Law Enforcement coverage for Volksfest was correctly stated in the minutes and was clarified by Cailin Richard. A motion from Thuman and a second from Schmit (5-0-0), the City Council unanimously approved both the City Council Work Meeting Minutes from March 13, 2024, and the City Council Meeting Minutes from March 27, 2024.

Old Business


New Business Items

Mayor Anderson Buck presented an update on the Stehr property deed and land purchase for the burn pile location. The update concluded that the deed for the property has not been located since its non-filing from 2017 and will continue to move forward.

Mark and Brittany Huneke presented information and requests on the property they recently purchased known as St. Lukes Church. Huneke’s have received a demo permit and are working on plans for this site. They are aware that the building is in the City’s R2 Zone. Huneke’s are initially hoping to get a building permit approval for single or double dwelling apartments in the lower basement level. Secondly, Huneke’s are looking at doing something for the community by converting the upstairs into a community space. Doing so will require a multipurpose variance or change in the current zoning ordinance.

Attorney Vose confirmed that the County approves that an apartment would be allowed in the City of Goodhue R1 zoning.

Mayor Anderson Buck reaffirmed that the city is in the process of updating the Zoning, but for now, if they want to start with the apartment, they can move forward with that as R2.

Attorney Vose was asked to clarify how to go about getting neighborhood input for the mixed- use facility. Attorney Vose recommended a public hearing.

Attorney Vose mentioned to Huneke’s that the City of Goodhue is going to need to know exactly what you want to do before they can give you an answer.

Mayor Anderson Buck suggested to the Huneke’s to continue working with our Public Works Director on the apartment and windows for now and come up with a concrete plan and then we will look at that more closely.

Mayor Anderson Buck announced that Zumbrota has closed their swimming pool and addressed the City’s concern for the Goodhue school aged children having times available for their swimming lessons. Our City Clerk is receiving calls asking to sign up for lessons here in Goodhue and reminded the council that Wildcat Care will still be using the pool as part of their summer curriculum. Council Members discussed the pool lesson strategy, if there was space, time, and staff to take care of not only our own, but additional students.

The City’s Public Works Director received two sewer quotes, both are for four years of service for sewer cleaning. One is for cleaning and the other for cleaning and televising. Council Member Schmit made a motion to approve the four-year contract of cleaning and televising inspections with Empire Pipe Services, seconded by Benda, (5-0-0) motion carried.

Spring Quotes are in. They are Thomforde Enterprises and Schumacher Brothers Excavating. A motion was made by Council Member Thuman, to accept both quotes, seconded Schmit, (5-0-0) Motion carried.

Attorney Vose addressed the update on Highway 58 Billboard. The terms of the property were worked out with Regan Advertising. They have agreed to sign a lease and to pay past-due rent. We had this worked out two months ago, but they still haven’t responded. Mayor Anderson Buck suggested we move the billboard update to the work meeting and hope we will hear something by then.

Mayor Anderson Buck announced that Virginia submitted her resignation from the cleaning position. Her last day is April 30, 2024.

The liquor licenses renewals have been received. Council Member Benda made a motion that we approve both Liquor license renewals, second by Schmit, Motion Carried (5-0-0).

Other Items - None

Approval of Bills

Council Members reviewed and discussed the bills to be paid. A motion was made to approve the bills by Council Member O’Reilly, seconded by Schmit, (5-0-0) motion carried.

Mayor Anderson Buck announced that Lisa Redepenning is our treasurer now. She has submitted a balance sheet for the month of March for us to review.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:17 pm by Council Member Schmit and seconded by Benda (5-0-0).


Respectfully submitted,

Lori Luhman, City Clerk/Administrative Assistant