Bellechester City Council Meeting Minutes Goodhue County Board of Equalization - April 18, 2024


Bellechester City Council Meeting Minutes

Goodhue County Board of Equalization

April 18, 2024 @ 4:30 PM

Meeting is recorded, and the recordings belong to the City of Bellechester.

Goodhue County Board of Equalization Meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Mark Gerken at 4:30 p.m. and Lavon Augustine from Goodhue County Assessor’s Office ran the Equalization meeting. Also present from Goodhue County was Sara Stubfors, Jeremy Laska. Lavon recapped sales in the county and provided information that City of Bellechester had 5 sales in the past year and shared information about the sales. Assessor’s office is required to come every 5 years in the city.

With no residents present for questions, motion was made by Jered Buxengard with a 2nd by Kyle Blattner to close Goodhue County Board of Equalization meeting. Motion carried. Meeting Closed at 5:04.

Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Mark Gerken at 5:06 p.m.

Pledge to the flag.

Roll call was taken: The council in attendance: Acting Mayor Mark Gerken, Council people Jered Buxengard, Kyle Blattner and Rich Majerus as well as City Clerk Lisa Redepenning, Treasurer Kyle McKeown. Also present was Nick Keller and Donna Hunecke as well as Deputy Jordan Winberg from Goodhue County Sherrif’s Office. Mayor Jody Gordon and City Engineer Matt Mohs were absent.

Minutes of March 20, 2024 regular meeting minutes were reviewed and motion was made by Rich Majerus with a second by Mark Gerken to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Bills were reviewed and a motion by Jered Buxengard with a second by Rich Majerus to approve and pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Old Business:

• Sewer Lining Project – See Engineer Report

• Building Permit – Garage - Nick Keller – Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to approve building permit as presented. Motion carried.

• Summer mowing – we received 1 application and Donna Hunecke was present and also interested. Motion was made by Kyle Blattner with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to offer mowing job to Morgan Majerus at $15.00/hour. Motion carried with Rich Majerus obtaining.

• Auto Cross Vehicle Noise – Copy of Ordinance #13 will be sent to the GCSO to ensure they know what the fines are if this is an issue in the future. Council concerns about noise was relayed to Deputy Winberg to get this issue known to other Deputies that are in city limits. Speed issues on Cty 16 was also passed on as a concern.

New business:

• Set Special Meeting to Award Water Meter Bid – Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Kyle Blattner to set a special city council meeting at Monday, May 6th @ 1:00 to accept the bid. Motion carried.

Engineer Report – Wabasha Co 7 Paving Project: Matt asked the Co Engr for an update on the schedule. The paving project has an impact on our project.

Sewer Lining Project Update: Preconstruction meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23rd at 11:00 AM at the B&M office in Rochester. The tentative schedule shows the bulk of the work occurring this fall. More to come on the schedule after the preconstruction meeting. Water Meter Project Update:

The bid is Wednesday, April 24th at 10:00 AM at the B&M office in Rochester.

Clerk Report – Interim Loan transfer made – FYI – there is $32962.61 remaining in this account and we have an interest payment due this month. Xcel Energy Reimbursement – we received a check from them for the cost of publishing the franchise agreement in paper.

New laptop – received new laptop and set up and transferred all information – FYI.

Xcel sent a notice that they will be replacing our electric meters that we have with them.

Quarterly Reports – all quarterly reports are done. Legion Insurance - Invoice was sent for Legion’s portion of our insurance payment – FYI. $624.00. Liquor Licenses – renewals were sent.

Treasurer Report – Past due list was discussed as well as shut off locations that Bolten & Menk could not find.

Water/Wastewater/Facility Report – discharging will be done on Friday. Water leak in the south pumphouse will be addressed.

Mayor Concerns: Lack of water pressure complaint again from north side of well.

Council Concerns: Bailing hay at ponds was discussed.


Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a second by Jered Buxengard to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:00. Motion carried.

Submitted by Lisa Redepenning – City Clerk