Bellechester City Council Meeting - May 15, 2024


Bellechester City Council Meeting Minutes

May 15, 2024 @ 6:00 PM

Meeting is recorded, and the recordings belong to the City of Bellechester.

Pledge to the flag.

Roll call was taken: The council in attendance: Mayor Jody Gordon, Council people Mark Gerken, Kyle Blattner and Rich Majerus as well as City Clerk Lisa Redepenning. Council member Jered Buxengard, Treasurer Kyle McKeown and City Engineer Matt Mohs was absent.

Minutes of April 18, 2024 regular meeting as well as the May 8th Special meeting minutes were reviewed and motion was made by Kyle Blattner with a second by Rich Majerus to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Bills were reviewed and a motion by Rich Majerus with a second by Mark Gerken to approve and pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Old Business:

• Sewer Lining Project – update progress – see below. Cement blockage was found and removed with the beginning of the project.

New business:

• Noise Complaint – Jody read a letter from a resident. A clarify letter will be sent.

• Dust Issues Downtown – Ag Partners will be putting down rock to see if that works.

• Building Permit Process – Verification – Council decided to have all permits come to council before going to county. Goodhue County will be informed.

• RESOLUTION 2024-01 Authorizing Execution Of An Advance Agreement And Participation In Joint Powers Authority For A Water Project – Motion was made by Kyle Blattner with a 2nd by Rich Majerus to approve and accept the authorizing the execution of agreement. Motion carried.

Engineer Report –

• The contractor started work on Monday by cleaning and televising the lines on Wabasha Co 7.

• The lines under CR 7 are fine to line – no excavation is needed.

• They will continue to clean and televise the main line this week through Thursday then they’ll be back next Monday for another week of cleaning and televising. The contractor hung door hanger notices that provide information on the cleaning and televising operation.

• Sewer main line lining is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 28th after the holiday.

• With the schedule change, I’m scrambling a bit but will get a newsletter out to the property owners with an update.

• There’s a rumor that the manhole rehabilitation contractor will be in town later this week or early next week to start their work.

• Our inspector is Nolan Boice. His phone number is 507-884-4877 if anyone has questions. Rich has been our primary council / city contact for this project.

• I expect we’ll have our first monthly meeting in early June. More to come on this.

• Water Meter Project – We need RD to concur with our project contract award then we can start the contracting process.

Clerk Report – Dog Complaint – we received a 2nd complaint. Letter was sent to resident. Positions up for Election – FYI – Mayor and 2 council seats currently held by Jered & Kyle. The candidate filing period for these positions is July 30 until August 13th and filing fee is $2.00. Building Permit Process Verification – We had a building permit go directly to Goodhue County and get approved without coming through council. This is the first time I had this happen. When I inquired, here is the response I received. Do you want it be run this way? FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map – We received a packet from them. I have it if you wish to look at.

Treasurer Report – None

Water/Wastewater/Facility Report – Mark will be taking care of baling at the ponds.

Mayor Concerns: Wells Creek Snowmobile club landowner’s Chicken BBQ event on 9/14/2024 wants to sell raffle tickets at their event. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Kyle Blattner to approve the club selling raffle tickets. Motion carried.

Council Concerns: None


Motion was made by Kyle Blattner with a second by Mark Gerken to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:57. Motion carried.

Submitted by Lisa Redepenning – City Clerk