Bellechester City Council Meeting - February 15, 2023


Bellechester City Council Meeting Minutes

February 15, 2023 @ 6:00PM

Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Jody Gordon at 6:00 p.m.

Pledge to the flag.

Roll call was taken: The council in attendance: Mayor Jody Gordon, Council people Rich Majerus, Kyle Blattner, Mark Gerken, Jered Buxengard via phone as well as City Clerk Lisa Redepenning, treasurer Kyle McKeown and City Engineer Matt Mohs.

Minutes of January, 2022 meeting were reviewed and motion was made by Mark Gerken with a second by Rich Majerus to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Bills were reviewed and a motion by Jered Buxengard with a second by Kyle Blattner to approve and pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Old Business:

•Sewer Grant – update progress. Matt updated on progress. Update on meter pre inspections has not changed much since January. A few remaining inspections (7) need to be done. Trailer house installation was discussed. The goal is to have all properties metered. Easements are getting finalized. We aim to have easements and pre-meter inspections to be done by next month.

New business:

•LMCIT Property/Casualty Renewal – discuss and approve. Pond replacement cost for ponds will be discussed before renewal. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to approve the renewal after pond verification is done. Motion carried.

•MN Rural Water Association’s Micro Loan Program – discuss. Matt discussed the funding process and funding. Microloan to cover costs was discussed. Micro application is tabled until March.

•Purple Heart City Proclamation – review and approve. We have 1 purple heart recipient in town and we will get signage. Motion was made by Kyle Blattner with a 2nd by Rich Majerus to approve the Purple Heart City Proclamation. Motion carried.

•City Name/Population Signage – discuss. Will get quotes.

•Section 3 Plan – approve. Motion was made by Mark Gerken with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to approve the Section 3 Plan as required and submitted. Motion carried.

•Water Meter Ordinance – discuss. Council will be looking at and discussion at next month’s meeting.

Engineer Report – see above.

Clerk Report - Reminder - Annual Meeting Notice of the Goodhue Fire Truck Assn Monday February 20th 2023. 7:00 Supper, 8:00 Meeting. Section 3 Plan – required document for Grant.

City Name/Population Signage – No signage exists to put the purple heart designation on. Payroll – Since Kyle was out of town last month, he is adding his hours to February – FYI. Sample Water Meter Ordinances –came from MN Rural Water Website, City of Oakdale & Lake City – FYI.

Treasurer Report – Past due list was distributed and reviewed.

Water/Wastewater/Facility Report – We will need to do some more sampling per MPCA regulations.

Mayor Concerns: None

Council Concerns: Water way bordering 2nd Street/church property clearing was discussed for spring thawing.


Motion was made by Kyle Blattner with a second by Rich Majerus to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:20.

Submitted by Lisa Redepenning – City Clerk

•April Council meeting will be changed to Thursday, April 27th @ 5:30

•Board of Equalization meeting for Goodhue County will be held Thursday, April 27th @ 5:00

•Wabasha County Residents - open book Board of Equalization meeting will be open from April 10 thru May 12, M-F 8:00 – 4:00 at the Wabasha County Courthouse, Assessor’s office.