Bellechester City Council Meeting - December 21, 2022


Bellechester City Council Meeting Minutes

December 21, 2022 @ 6:00PM

Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Jody Gordon at 6:07 p.m.

Pledge to the flag.

Roll call was taken: The council in attendance: Mayor Jody Gordon, Council people Rich Majerus, Jered Buxengard via phone as well as City Clerk Lisa Redepenning, Treasurer Kyle McKeown, and City Engineer Matt Mohs were also present. Also present was Keith Blattner.

Minutes of November 21, 2022 regular meeting were reviewed and motion was made by Mark Gerken with a second by Rich Majerus to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Bills were reviewed and a motion by Rich Majerus with a second by Mark Gerken to approve and pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Old Business:

• Sewer Project Update - Easements and Water Meters – Sewer project. Draft plan is being worked on, relating to accesses to properties. Work is progressing on this. Rural Development will review this when we are done. Easements for church is done, and 2 completed ones have been received. Matt identified that Lake City could be a resource for us to inquire about water meters for trailer court. Rochester plumbing and heating provided an update doing pre-inspections. They have of 49 completed, 15 need to be done, and 11 properties are unable to contact. They will provide a list of properties that they were not giving approval to enter for inspections.

• Approve Ordinance #35 Engine Braking Ordinance. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Kyle Blattner to approve Ordinance #35 – Engine Braking ordinance with a fine of $150 + applicable court fee was discussed as what would be set. Motion carried.

New business:

• Resolution 2022.3 – Resolution to designating polling place for 2023. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to approve Resolution 2022.3 approving the designated polling place for 2023. Motion carried.

Resident Concerns – Keith Blattner inquired about rusty water at his residence. Keith was directed to present documentation to our city attorney. City Clerk will look into the claim form.

Engineer Report – see above.

Clerk Report – Engine Braking Ordinance – I received confirmation that the ordinance is good, you just need to identify what the fine should be set at, which can be added to it when you approve it. Deputy Johnson indicated that other cities use a $50 fine plus $13 law library fee for a total of $63 – FYI. 1st Quarter Utility Billing – will be sent this month. I will have the engine braking ordnance in it. Polling Place Resolution – FYI – we need to do this for 2023 even though there is not an official election, only if special election is needed. Reminder – Goodhue County has set our Board of Equalization meeting for Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 5:00 pm at the Bellechester Community Center. Property Taxes – Goodhue County – Goodhue County for $21,959.70 was received – FYI. Poncelet special assessment for 2021 was also received.

Treasurer Report – past due list was discussed.

Water/Wastewater/Facility Report – Kyle McKeown presented information on a metal detector that will be needed for curb stops placement in the future.

Mayor Concerns: None.

Council Concerns: None.


Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a second by Kyle Blattner to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:51 pm. Next meeting is January 18 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Bellechester Community Center.

Submitted by Lisa Redepenning – City Clerk