The Wildcats Run over Rushford-Peterson 31-6!


The Goodhue football team traveled to Rushford and ran at will to score 5 touchdowns.

Nathan Beck started the scoring with a 56 yard touchdown run, Jack Carlson punched in a 2 yard carry. Cristian Monjarez added a 38 yard field goal. Goodhue picked up a safety and then Carlson ran in another 3 yard touchdown. Henry Caswell hauled in a 20 yard touchdown pass from QB Luke Roschen. R-P added a late touchdown with a pass reception in the 4th quarter.


Rushing: attempt/yards

N. Beck 14/98 1 TD

H. Holm 3/16

J. Carlson 9/49 2 TD

A. Bartholome 2/6

M Lexvold 1/2

Passing: L. Roschen 6/9 61 Yards 1 TD


J. Carlson 2/22

S. Matthees 3/19

H. Caswell 1/20 1 TD



C. Kurti 16 4 sacks

J. Carlson 11

J. Ryan 9 1 sack

P. Holst 9