New Non-Profit Organization Seeks Funds to Help People in Need


In 2023, a group of people raised $4,500.00 to purchase fixings for 125 holiday-type meals. The Community Help Network, a new non-profit organization, grew out of that effort. As a non-profit, they are again seeking donations for, and beneficiaries of this program.

Last year, churches, schools, local food shelves and individuals helped create a list of those in need. If you know of any person or family in need, please add them by November 8th using the contact information in this notice. Include a name, address, phone number and how many people are in the household. The information is handled discreetly.

Everyone who received a basket last year was very appreciative and the group is focused on another successful year.

Baskets include a four- pound ham or ten- to- twelve- pound turkey (size depends on the number of people in the family) stuffing, potatoes, gravy, vegetables, cranberry sauce, buns and pie. The supplies will be assembled at St. Peter’s Church beginning at 9 AM November 23rd with delivery starting at 10:30.

Please send monetary donations to: Community Help Network, Nancy Dahling, 313 2nd St. Bellechester, MN 55027 by November 1st.

If you would like to donate any food items such as a case of vegetables or pies, please contact Edith Buck at 651-923-4594 or her cell 507-298-7121 by November 8th.

If you would like to become part of the non-profit, please contact Nancy Dahling at 715-216-6058 or email anytime at